Hi Everyone and hope you're all well. Yes we have a new website that we've been working on for a few weeks and I hope you like it. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated of course, as I have the IT team for at least the next 3 months to make any changes. We all loved the old website but the change was forced on us in order to keep up with changes in Google. We've tried to keep it as close as possible to the original. Hopefully this one will be operate more quickly and smoothly.
It's been an intense start to the New Year. Many customers have had a similar experience of ' Tying up Loose End...
Don't know about you but the general energy in Melbourne at least has been pretty low this week. No wonder then that I chose to upload some new Garnet ! The natural crystal shape of Garnet is a dodecahedron - i.e. a 12 sided sphere and so often the physical gives the clue to the metaphysical. All garnets are centering and connecting to the cosmos. The strong colours are energising as well. I need some of that !
Garnets are generally thought of as shades of red - but you have 4 varieties of green garnet and 2 varieties of orange !
Check the full range out by clicking this link - GA...