This is an unassuming looking green stone that packs a big punch. In my own experience it helped reveal and clear very deep blocks of long standing and that experience is supported from other sources. So if you are stuck in negative thinking patterns, give it a try. Epidote raises your vibration yet also clarifies focus on the physical.
Interestingly the elongation of the crystal is perpendicular to the plane of symmetry. Perhaps in terms of conditioning it brings to awareness programs that go against your natural grain.
Epidote is often found with clear quartz - either seeded evenly throughout or more rarely as beautiful green included crystals. Metaphysically this brings the white light consciousness of Clear Quartz into the picture thus empowering the manifestation of positive dreams and changes.
Lately we've had some astonishing Quartz with RED Epidote included. Wow. Incredibly stimulating and healing. For me a total WAKE UP stone to HEAL myself. Not put things off. No excuses. Major change. Thanks Red Epidote
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