Hi everyone and hope you're all keeping well. I'm back again from another overseas trip but this time it was purely a holiday. As a customer recently said, I do have the travel bug ! I bought a ticket to Colombia to get together with my long time partner. We were going to holiday on our favourite Island of San Andreas but the hotel prices were so much more expensive, and I said that we could get good hotels in Paris for less. Uh Oh, Light Bulb Moment, she's had a picture of the Eiffel Tower wall since before I met her. Fares were surprisingly affordable, so we decided to go there instead an...
Hi Everyone. Well, buying is work but fun ~ but now our Apt in Bangkok is like a little Factory. Nicha in her office makes tons of beaded Jewellery, me in the lounge on the endless task of processing all the other Jewellery. We bought so much ! Usually I'm OCD on prices as I buy, but this time I pretty much just chose what I liked. Following the Heart usually works out well, especially when you brought that spare credit card . . . . .
Stunning Azurite/Malcahite/Chrysocolla from a new source ~ the Morenci Mine in USA. More Tourmalines ~ yes, Watermelon, also some fabulous vibrant Rubellite ...
Hi Everyone. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the positive energies floating around ~ even though they're so often occluded by the daily barrage of negative news ! I crashed out on the couch after work, no TV book or laptop, suddenly realised ~ wow, I'm relaxed ! Hence the pic, to remind myself that actually gazing out of a window, doing and thinking nothing, is as important as all the daily doing :-)
So it's nice to get back into the uploads ~ and interesting to see how they've changed too. Up until recently it was a case if racing the clock to get as much up as quickly as possible....
Hi guys. Just a quick one as it's getting late. Realised we moved into SCORPIO a few days ago, so if you look below this blog on the Home Page you'll see our top 8 stones for that Star Sign. I do love Scorpios - after all I have two sisters and a brother born under that sign. They can really be very entertaining and surprisingly loving . . . but boy they can hold a grudge and whip out the sting when you least expect it :-) Maybe that's why I learned the wisdom of not taking everything personally at a relatively young age !
I've really been racing through the uploads of New Stock trying to c...
Don't know about you but the general energy in Melbourne at least has been pretty low this week. No wonder then that I chose to upload some new Garnet ! The natural crystal shape of Garnet is a dodecahedron - i.e. a 12 sided sphere and so often the physical gives the clue to the metaphysical. All garnets are centering and connecting to the cosmos. The strong colours are energising as well. I need some of that !
Garnets are generally thought of as shades of red - but you have 4 varieties of green garnet and 2 varieties of orange !
Check the full range out by clicking this link - GA...