Well the pic shows the damage you can do in a half hour feeding frenzy at a sale when you remember the unused Credit Card :-)
This was only a small portion of my total buy, but I've spent today going though every piece and there are some beauties. Best of all, everything is at least half the normal price ! Our policy has always been to buy the best we can and charge a decent price, so our savings are passed on to you.
Larimar ~ some huge pieces. Chryoprase, Mangano Calcite, Seraphinite, Lapis, Blue Lace, Prehnite, Moonstone, Black Onyx and more. Best of all a couple of Blue Kyanite crystals...
Hi Everyone. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the positive energies floating around ~ even though they're so often occluded by the daily barrage of negative news ! I crashed out on the couch after work, no TV book or laptop, suddenly realised ~ wow, I'm relaxed ! Hence the pic, to remind myself that actually gazing out of a window, doing and thinking nothing, is as important as all the daily doing :-)
So it's nice to get back into the uploads ~ and interesting to see how they've changed too. Up until recently it was a case if racing the clock to get as much up as quickly as possible....
As you’ve probably noticed, all the new Moonstone has now been uploaded - after two days intense work with camera, caliper, notepad and uploads ! It can't be done more quickly because each piece is unique and so often I'm drawn into writing a few personal words about it.
One thing I noticed this time is that a lot of the new Moonstone has clearly defined strata - light blues, indigo and gold. I see these as pathways through emotional situations. Moonstone is of course a wonderful stone for expanding your emotional intelligence – but still we can get caught up in difficult situations and I f...