Hi guys. Just a quick one as it's getting late. Realised we moved into SCORPIO a few days ago, so if you look below this blog on the Home Page you'll see our top 8 stones for that Star Sign. I do love Scorpios - after all I have two sisters and a brother born under that sign. They can really be very entertaining and surprisingly loving . . . but boy they can hold a grudge and whip out the sting when you least expect it :-) Maybe that's why I learned the wisdom of not taking everything personally at a relatively young age !
I've really been racing through the uploads of New Stock trying to c...
Mostly these blogs are about Jewellery, but I did just upload some awesome Kunzite specimens. It suddenly hit me that although I've been selecting these stones "randomly" over the last week I've only proven to myself that it's not a random Universe ! There's a real evolutionary flow here as we move from one stone to the next. Shattuckite over Easter and cutting Karmic ties. That was an intense transformation. So then Amazonite softened the blow, followed by Kunzite which regained direction through loving wisdom. Finally, tonight, I've uploaded really lovely Smoky Quartz which brings all tho...