Hi Everyone,
Just a quick heads up that in the past week we have completely restocked our crystals - of particular note a lot of hand selected Amethyst Clusters with cut base so they stand up. Also a lot of new Malachite from the Congo, some of which has been uploaded. We've also completely restocked our Orgonite range. It's a great time to visit the shop and get an early pick !
I had to cancel the usual February trip because my treatment continues until the end of March but luckily I had gone way over budget last September so there's still a lot of beautiful pieces that I haven't uploaded. It will be nice for once to clear that backlog before I go off buying more !
I'm also back to opening the Shop later on Friday and Saturday Evenings. Before Covid we stayed open till 10 pm, now it's only 8 or 9 but I work those shifts myself and I'm really enjoying crazy but meaningful conversations with customers. Many people party on those nights - well, I see these shifts as my party nights, with the added bonus that I don't drink too much and say stupid things, plus I make some money towards my next trip :-)
Since you know what happened, I've been watching health videos nightly. The latest thing for me is the previously unknown Vitamin G. G is for Gratitude !
Gratefully yours
Marc James and the Crystal Heart Team,