Sorry for the clickbait Title, but it was how I feel tonight ! OK the weather made me blue, but the gems I buy are always bright.
I went out for a massage early so I could write this blog. A good massage too, strong enough to move the knots without me screaming in pain. During it the Heavens opened with a massive thunderstorm, so for a while I was in Heaven as it's always good to be warm and cozy inside when the rain is pouring down outside. Afterwards I ran back to my room. This is always fun. I love the raw elements, I even sang a few strains of 'Singing in the Rain' (without the dancing)...
Hi Everyone, and hope you're all having a good time. I always find it a bit awkward wishing people Happy Easter because after all it wasn't a particularly happy time for the main character ! Buddha didn't need the Romans, but he also put himself through a great deal of suffering in order to gain Enlightenment.
The idea of suffering in order to attain something is pretty Universal ~ as is well known by every student forcing themselves to study things they hate just in order to pass exams and escape into the real world !
We've all been through a pretty tough time with the response to the vir...
Hi Guys and hope you're all doing well ! I guess the Title gives my mood away ~ I've just been listening to Chairman Dan's Map out of Lock Down. What a depressing document ! Crystal Heart will have to remain closed until October 28th and only open then if new cases have fallen to 5 per day for the previous two weeks. But hey, he has a supercomputer programmed by the University of Melbourne to tell him what to do, bless him. I got an honours degree in Computers and Cybernetics back in 1979 and one thing I learned about computers. If you put garbage in you get garbage out.
But Hey, it's a lov...