Hi Everyone, and hope you're all having a good time. I always find it a bit awkward wishing people Happy Easter because after all it wasn't a particularly happy time for the main character ! Buddha didn't need the Romans, but he also put himself through a great deal of suffering in order to gain Enlightenment.
The idea of suffering in order to attain something is pretty Universal ~ as is well known by every student forcing themselves to study things they hate just in order to pass exams and escape into the real world !
We've all been through a pretty tough time with the response to the virus. What have we learned from that ?
Here at Crystal Heart I had to reduce staff and hours ~ but we've done OK, and special thanks to all of you who have supported us through this website. Things are more relaxed. It was hard to drop my Leo competitive streak but I'm much less stressed so that was a good forced change.
However the lock down affected you if you chose that time to ask yourself what you really wanted out of life and how to work towards that, maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
There's a famous quote I heard from an old Farmer in UK.
' If you're doing what you love, you never did a days work in your life '
That's a pretty good goal.
After a deal of unhappy confusion and many different paths I kind of accidentally discovered meditation and hence my love of
Energy. Crystals and Gemstones.
So here we are, sharing that love.
We continue this path with a lot of new uploads and more to come.
Today was a creative day tuning in to the new Moldavite pieces, channeling and researching them. By the time I'd finished writing up the Moldavite/Meteorite combo I'd actually sold myself and chose one to wear.
I spent the next few hours over energised and scattered yet strangely present on another level. It was only when another customer bought a piece that I realised why !
That's the love affair for me of working with stones. I do read the science of their formation, but then I carry them around and see how they affect me.
It's very personal.
That combination of stones must have unlocked something because this morning I walked out to get a coffee without needing my crutch for the first time since the accident.
I would not have predicted that !
There was a recent Tik Tok video on Moldavite and we sold in a week and no one had any more but luckily I knew a trusted supplier had some so I bought the lot and he made them into Jewellery. So we've been lucky there.
I hope you enjoy the photography !
Even looking at the pics gives the energy of the stones.
Love from the Heart as Always
Me, Leah, Jo
and our fine readers Maxine and Pamela.