Hi everyone and hope you're doing well.
It's the infamous Black Friday this weekend, but Crystal Heart never do sales because we charge fair prices and the great majority of our stock is uniquely handcrafted.
But it's also good to give something back and all your support over the lock down period has really saved us.
So for all of you regular customers who read our Blogs and Mail outs we're doing a special this weekend.
I can't call it Black Friday and just follow the herd, so this is Light Friday !
From Midnight tonight to Sunday Night just enter the code
at checkout to get an...
Hi Everyone and hope you're all feeling good saying goodbye to 2019 ! For me the year started brilliantly with falling in love, and that has continued, but everywhere else there has been a crescendo of increasing stress and I know I'm not alone in this.
So to all of you who have survived, I Salute You ! Now you can take charge !
I can't wait for 2020. It's a year where we can go with the flow rather than fight those obstacles in our path. Numerologically, I first see the number two repeated. In Tarot, this is the number of the Priestess. Water, the Moon, that flow which we can feel but cann...
The Lion's Gate is a period between July 26th and August 12th which sees an acceleration of consciousness, a doorway to your Divine Self, and the opportunity to go beyond your limitations. It peaks on August 8th which just happens to be my Birthday ~ possibly explaining my lifelong interest in the Esoteric despite performing grievous bodily harm on my brain forcing myself to a science degree !
So if you've been experiencing some intensity recently, been reviewing your life, making new decisions, perhaps realising that you really are a very special and divine being, then you've been experie...
Hi Everyone , and hope you're all well and evolving happily :-)
It's Sunday Evening here but despite it being a cold dark rainy day in Melbourne we've had a lovely bunch of customers and many spiritually turned on conversations. Days like this remind me why I'm still here after 33 years !
Crystal Heart seems to be rebooting itself and returning to those spiritual values with which it began.
Yes it's a business. But gemstones developed and hold their value because their value is, as it has been since before money, their effect on our energy, on our soul. It's their beauty, their constant hig...
Hi Everyone and hope you're all feeling well. So sorry I've been slacking on these blogs. I've started many, but with all the intense transformation and changes going on I just couldn't agree with myself sufficiently to actually publish them ! Anyway things seem to be settling down now in my personal Universe and I'm glad to say I feel more relaxed and less driven.
So I'm just back from a wonderful trip to Colombia. Mostly it was a relaxing holiday, but I did spent an intense week in Bogota looking for stones. As far as general crystals went the trip was a bust. I visited some lovely crysta...
Well it's been another crazy week. For some reason none of us have slept well. It's not only the weather that's changing. Change always brings up attachments that try to stop us moving on. Case in point ~ although it's terribly convenient for me to live over the Shop, I've long wanted to move out so I can have an actual life. A big obstacle has been my attachment to all the stuff I've accumulated living here. Last night I had a massive insight. Just leave it all ! ( OK not the crystals ! ) That's what I did when I left UK to arrive here in Australia with just one hold-all.
So now I feel the...