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New Stones begin to flow

Well it's been another crazy week. For some reason none of us have slept well. It's not only the weather that's changing. Change always brings up attachments that try to stop us moving on. Case in point ~ although it's terribly convenient for me to live over the Shop, I've long wanted to move out so I can have an actual life. A big obstacle has been my attachment to all the stuff I've accumulated living here. Last night I had a massive insight. Just leave it all ! ( OK not the crystals ! ) That's what I did when I left UK to arrive here in Australia with just one hold-all.

So now I feel the pressure is off, and my 3 day headache has disappeared. Strange, that ! I strongly suspect that the Blue Spinel sitting in my desk since last week has been influencing me here. It seems to bring a clarity that takes no prisoners. Once again I prove to myself that stones come into your life for a reason.

Since the last blog I've uploaded the Super Seven subtitute Cacoxenite in Amethyst which accelerates conscious evolution as opposed to the random Darwinian sort. Then a lot of Citrine which wasn't on my shopping list, but this is natural unheated Citrine which is harder to find so I couldn't pass on it. Such a mellow and giving energy compared to the heated variety which I find a bit demanding.

Next up is some really nice Cobaltoan Calcite Druse ~ the colour varies from a soft heart opening pink to a passionate watermelon but being a Calcite it also gives a very useful degree of conscious separation. The purest love does not have attachments.

Tomorrow I'll add some Larimar with it's peaceful nurturing emotional quality, including an old PB piece that was hidden at the back. Then some Black Star Sapphire which activates right action, and Bloodstone ~ the transforming Kundalini stone.

So keep checking out the Latest Jewellery Uploads

Heaps more to go, but I'm once again amazed how all these energies that have entered my consciousness are helping me confront some hard decisions in a wonderful positive and fearless way. Rock on !

Love as always from the Crystal Heart !



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