Well that's my clever title because I have to apologise for sending out an email with the wrong Title ! It should have been " Tantalising Taurus " because it was full of great info about the Taurus Full Moon just passing and how it was complicated by Venus Retrograde. I guess we all got a bit tired coping with that so mistakes are made. "The latest competition" was the title of the template we used ~ and we were so engrossed in the content we didn't even see it. Ouch. Sorry. Though when I think about it, handling those celestial challenges was the latest competition for us here at the Hear...
Well it's been another crazy week. For some reason none of us have slept well. It's not only the weather that's changing. Change always brings up attachments that try to stop us moving on. Case in point ~ although it's terribly convenient for me to live over the Shop, I've long wanted to move out so I can have an actual life. A big obstacle has been my attachment to all the stuff I've accumulated living here. Last night I had a massive insight. Just leave it all ! ( OK not the crystals ! ) That's what I did when I left UK to arrive here in Australia with just one hold-all.
So now I feel the...
Saturday night again and I'm reviewing the week while dinner cooks with a well earned scotch ( well, it's still spirit ! )
As I've said, in the last two massive orders of Crystals from Kristy and Jewels from Paul I forgot about the cost and just followed my heart. However because of that I've found that I love each one of Paul's pieces so much I've had to write more about each one which has slowed the upload process considerably, although it has been more creatively fulfilling.
Nevertheless, looking back, I've got a lot done this week ~ just check out the
Raw Stone ...