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No Competition ! Latest uploads and how stones work

Well that's my clever title because I have to apologise for sending out an email with the wrong Title ! It should have been " Tantalising Taurus " because it was full of great info about the Taurus Full Moon just passing and how it was complicated by Venus Retrograde. I guess we all got a bit tired coping with that so mistakes are made. "The latest competition" was the title of the template we used ~ and we were so engrossed in the content we didn't even see it. Ouch. Sorry.  Though when I think about it, handling those celestial challenges was the latest competition for us here at the Heart !

Learning how stones work for you is the real title of this Blog. Initially I meditated with each one to see how it affected my energy. That was easy up in the Himalayas ! Coming back to the Market Place presented a new challenge. So I took to carrying a stone around or wearing it, sleeping with it, taking a bath with it, taking it out for a walk and so forth until finally the penny dropped and I felt I knew how it has worked in me. In the course of our ordinary busy lives there are still moments of peace and harmony where we can slip into natural meditation and view things objectively.

For me the stones are friends and guides ~ giving me their energy and wisdom ~ so making them part of my life in the above ways really brought them to life. I've just recognised another technique. When I upload a bunch of stones for the Website this process is amplified.  I am truly immersed in their energy in a much more conscious and physical way ~ photography shows their light and small detail in a way my eye doesn't see otherwise. The measuring, handling, loving, recognition of imperfections, this is all amplified. Above all, these stones aren't just hiding in my pocket now.  They're being presented to the World at Large through the internet, so I feel extra responsibility ~ much like an Actor on the Stage ~ to get the lines right.

There's been lots of Latest Jewellery Uploads since the last blog. Check them out !

The Larimar really did a job on my unfreezing some very positive emotional memories I'd locked away behind a melancholy facade of being older and more experienced. Hey, it's wonderful to resurrect those wonderful feelings of hope and time enough to get it right I felt as an adolescent. So next up I intuitively started in the Tourmalines ~ especially the darker ones that hide their light. This was more painful as I encountered the darker side of my adolescent ~ the truly negative blocks in my self esteem. Tourmaline overcomes blocks, sure, but only by revealing them . Many cringe worthy memories there, but ending in a massive clearing of my relationship with my Father. The innocent freedom of Larimar revealed the ideal, the power of Tourmaline revealed the blocks. After 20 years of " Don't even go there " I was finally able to release Dad, to set both of us free, and mourn him properly.

Next up I chose Lapis Lazuli. Of course ! So clear in hindsight because this magical gemstone calms my stressed out mind and reveals the truth within. Along with that some Cavansite, for me one of the most spiritual stones.

Then you've got Carnelian. No wonder I chose that to ground scattered thoughts after what I'd been through haha

I finished off with some lovely ancient world Celtic style Bracelets and finally some Moonstone to smooth my exhausted Heart :-)

Well once again the Blog has taken it's own path. Aided by a few scotches that soften my reluctance to share :-)

Looking back over this blog ?  Again it proves the power of intuition. At each step I uploaded exactly the stone I needed. Except I'm wearing Fire Agate rather than straight Carnelian, because this variety has the added power of sending negative energies back to their source.

The Salient points are that yes, stones are friends and allies on the path. They're not slaves though. They tell you what you need to hear.

And we'd love to hear from you too ! If you have anything to share on how you've learned the effect of the Stones on your energy, I'd love you to leave a comment.

Know that you're Blessed.

Love from the Heart, as always.







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